Back Like I Never Left
May 19, 2017
Man, trying to balance life is something else! A new non-profit, building a brand, staying fit, staying healthy, battling endometriosis, working a full-time job, networking and building relationships and two websites! Who do I think I am? It gets hard sometimes FOR SURE and I’ve learned that some days something won’t get done or will fall short. I’ve learned how much my time management sucks even though I thought I was pretty decent and that building an empire isn’t as easy as people make it seem. Nonetheless–I am beyond grateful for every single experience I’ve encountered. I’m grateful for every shortcoming and every lesson. I’m loving this new chapter of my life and the process of trying to figure it all out!
Devote[D] Foundation is going really well! We are officially a 501(c)3 non-profit organization on the mission to love others through their hardships and assist them in creating the lives they’ve always wanted. We held our first event post 501(c)3 where we were blessed to gift our friends with lunch and letters. This warmed our hearts as much as it warmed there’s!
I’ve been working on a personal brand! Building myself, trying to be mindful of how I’m represented, and also working on pieces that I absolutely can not wait to share with you guys!!! I’m really excited about this new journey and hopefully, I’ll be able to completely roll things out by the end of this year! Ahh! I’m so excited to step deeper into my purpose and truly live the life I believe I was placed here for!
I began working with a trainer, cutting back on dairy and gluten (kind of) and trying to do better with my vitamin and juice intake. I want to live a healthier life because it’s better for you overall and I literally HAVE to find some sort of relief for endometriosis outside of the trial and error I experience in the doctors’ office. That itself feels like a full-time job! Whew! I was so nervous to share this side of my life because so many people have no idea what it is and truth be told I was kind of ashamed that I am experiencing it BUT I realize that there are many women out there just like me who need my help and most of the articles I’ve read or research I’ve done come from women in the U.K. very few people in the U.S. are being vocal about their experience and how to deal with the hardships. I plan to share more and more of this as a way to spread awareness as I learn more about my body and this experience and gain knowledge on what works and doesn’t work for me. Everyone is different so you have to do what works for you but I’ve found that it’s comforting knowing that I’m not the only one dealing with this. For those of you who don’t know what endometriosis is…I plan to share more about that in a post very soon.
Everything that I’ve mentioned above requires so much of me and lord knows some days I wish I could just drop everything and work on my true passions full time, but I know that my time will come and for now I need to be grateful for the position that I am in, for the steady income, flexibility, and support that I receive on a daily in the workplace. I’m working to become a jack of all trades and I believe that I will get there I just need to be patient and persistent. Never taking advantage of any opportunity given and becoming more comfortable in each role that I have. Focus on building solid relationships in and out of the workplace that will last me a lifetime and continue to grind. Trust me! I’m sure there are plenty of people just like me juggling a million times more than I do and doing it without falling short anywhere but I struggle sometimes and I appreciate the continued love and support as I grow. I’m going to continue to grow my site and my blog and work harder to keep you guys in the loop.
Remember that breaks are sometimes necessary. If you need to pull away from something to strengthen yourself in other areas trust that if the area you pulled away from is part of your purpose you’ll return back to it stronger than before. I’m currently learning balance and how important it is to allow myself time to rest and to never forget self-care! Let’s get ready for this new journey together!!! What are you working on?!? Comment and share or post on social media #FriendsOfDes to get my attention! I’ll be looking.