Give credit when credit is due

Life literally looks so much different than what I’d imagined. In the past year, I’ve both lost and gained so much in almost every area of life. 

I’ve struggled with my health and had multiple surgeries, I’ve lost friends, I’ve lost jobs, I’ve relocated and relocated again 🖤 but I’ve also been on the other side of bad health, I’ve gained new friends, new accountability partners, new prayer warriors, I’ve been introduced to new ways of advancing in my purpose and my career, I’ve restored relationships with family and the list literally goes on!

Lately, as things have kind of leveled out I’ve caught myself not appreciating all that I’ve been given, all that God has called me to. 

I complain about how thin my hair is as a result of stress and illness, discounting how much it’s grown. 

I complain so much about my weight discounting the fact that I can walk without a walker more whereas a week or two ago this was not the case. 

I discount the creativity I’ve been given, the story I’ve been blessed w/ & called to share no matter how many people tell me that I’ve been a blessing to them.  

I’ve been blessed with SO MUCH and because it doesn’t look like what I imagined, because I don’t look like what I used to, I have a hard time being grateful. HOW SELFISH!

So many people would kill for the things that I’ve been blessed with. Heck, realistically I’d be grateful for the things that I have if I were to look at someone else’s life. 

Isn’t it crazy how we want things we don’t have yet don’t appreciate the things that we do? 

This morning I literally had to press pause and realize all of the things God has called me to do and the way that I’ve grown with him realizing that I’ve truly gained so much more than I’ve lost and the things that I thought I needed could never compare to the life I’ve been given by accepting Gods calling on my life. 

I have to do my very best to accept these things, be grateful for these things, and continue to walk in His purpose because I don’t want to lose it. 

So I sat in my bed and quoted so many different affirmations until I felt prepared to conquer this day. 

I urge you all to do the same and I’m working on ways to make this easier for us to do. 

I think if we wake up with the intention to be grateful for what is and who God is in our life we will be able to do so much more for others, for the kingdom. 

Life is amazing, you’re amazing, I’m amazing, and we’ve got to do a better job at acknowledging that in ourselves and others. Spread love, spread joy, accept your current situation, and wake up every day knowing that you have EVERYTHING that it takes to kill it!!! I love you so so much. Big hugs!