How I ended up in Dallas
December 3, 2016
In my last post we talked about fear and lack of confidence holding me back. So, I figured it only made sense to talk about a few other instances where fear has tried to take control. Let’s go back to me moving after graduating college. Oh my gosh! Anyone who knew me around then knew that I was down for anything that didn’t involve living in Oklahoma. I knew that there was more for me outside of the Oklahoma State lines but I had no clue where that meant I’d end up.
Originally, I thought that I’d be in Houston, it later changed to Atlanta, and then back to Houston. (Yes, I’m currently in Dallas LOL!) I had gone to Atlanta to look at apartments, browse the area and was convinced that this was the place for me. Later that year I went again for a conference and I couldn’t have been more terrified that I had considered moving there. I realized that it wasn’t the time and not only that, I didn’t have peace about the decision. I just wanted to MOVE and it seemed like a cool place to be.
One night, I had gotten so fed up with being stagnant in Oklahoma! I felt like I was being pushed to reach outside of my comfort zone, all peace was lost. I was stressed daily and not even sure why. I was frustrated about the smallest things, to the point where it was literally affecting my health. I learned for me at least that when it’s time for the next step in my life I typically begin to feel REALLY uncomfortable. It’s proven to be true, few too many times.
So, one night I decided to just start applying for jobs. I stayed up really late one night submitting my resume and filling out applications. OMG am I the only one who feels this process is long and extremely dreadful. Can I just hand you my resume and tell you why I’m the perfect candidate. That’s all you want in the end anyway. Back on topic… I applied for maybe 10 positions in Dallas thinking that if I started in Dallas I could move on to Houston later that week. Not really thinking anything would come from it.
Before the week came to an end I had a phone interview set up. The next week on Friday, I had an in person interview and they wanted me to start in two weeks. WHAT! I’m supposed to be in Houston, how do I have an opportunity in Dallas (as if I didn’t apply)?
The next day at work, I gave my job the big news and within hours they had given me a counter offer. A pretty good offer I might add, but that would mean living in Denton, TX and had to start the following Monday. I attempted to get the original company to change their offer to beat or match my current company and they didn’t so….off to Denton I went. (I’ll make a post about my experience moving and my life since moving at a later date.)
I say all this to say, sometimes you are pushed outside of your comfort zone. You can choose to stay uncomfortable and go with the flow accepting that this is life OR you can step beyond your personal levels of comfort and explore what you may be missing out on. Fear has no place in our lives and moving has been tremendous for me. I’ve grown so much, a growth that I wouldn’t have received had I stayed in Oklahoma and settled for discomfort without peace.