Slow Down
January 11, 2018
Slow down, sis.
Y’all! Let me tell you about my life! I listened to this sermon by Pastor Mike Todd of Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK and it was BOMB! He talked about how we need to walk instead of running to accomplish our purpose. The world around us consumes us to the point that we feel we have to speed up the process. We question if all of the obstacles we’re facing are just distractions and when they occur we put the car into overdrive attempting to make up for lost time. At least, I know I do! We have to slow down a bit.
The second half of the year was spent with so many ups and downs that I felt like I needed to just do things for the sake of doing them because I’d missed out on so much. I hadn’t taken the time to process how my illnesses or anything I’d encountered had affected me. I just kept going and going and going until one day all of the pieces kind of fell apart. Pastor Mike said it’s because anything that you get quickly isn’t easy to sustain. Boy if he wasn’t spot on with that message!
I needed to slow down and really think about the things that had happened to me that year, how they’ll shape me as a person, and how it’s affected those around me. Once I was able to put things into perspective I was able to move forward again with a clear mind. I’m not saying that I have it all together. I’m simply saying that I took a step back, slowed down, and realized how everything I’d encountered could grow me. I had to stop comparing myself to others and their “success”. I don’t know what it took for them to get there nor do I know how pretty their everyday life is.
Comparing can cause you to miss out.
So often we say give me more give me more but if we don’t slow down to enjoy the things in our face and the things that God has called us to, we can miss out on much more than we’d ever imagined. As I slow down I’m better able to recognize that I have people in my corner supporting me. I can see God moving in and through me, and I’m able to make the steps necessary to continue moving forward opposed to getting frustrated to the point of quitting.
Let’s all slow down and embrace our current circumstances. We may find out that we accomplish more and have a greater impact.