What to do when you don’t feel very thankful!

November 25, 2016

Of course there’s a long list of things that one could complain about at any time of the year. I’ve seen so many people comment that 2016 was a terrible year or how they can’t wait for 2017. Initially I wanted to chime in and say, “OMG, me too!” Thinking, just when I thought the year couldn’t get any worse I get thrown ANOTHER wrench! Why? Have I not had enough? Have I not grown enough and been cut down enough? But then I stop to ask myself, “what is enough really?”

With all of the changes taking place around us, it is very possible that we will feel like we are being hit harder than ever, our generation at least. In my opinion, that is the wrong mindset to have. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the bad and disregard the good taking place. I woke up this morning feeling sorry for myself and all of the things that I’d been through just this year were weighing heavy on me. So heavy that I failed to realize that I’d overcome each situation. My grandmother is in a safe place and happy, even if I wished she were here. I trust that she’s happy therefore, I should be happy. I’m a few steps closer to starting my non-profit! And after this post I’m one post closer to having an amazing blog that people visit and support from all walks of life, many different cities, to be inspired and share their stories!

For every dream that seems to have been crushed or good thing that seems to have been taken away from me, another dream/thing filled its place. Beginning stages or not, things are being birthed around and out of us. So, we need to take our energy off of the negative and focus on the positive or we will easily let the good slip away.

I made a calendar at the beginning of this month for when I should blog and what type of post it will be. I almost allowed myself to give up on something I’ve wanted to do for years because I was “feeling sorry for myself”, SERIOUSLY? And throw all of the joy I felt when I started away? And risk not having the same support I would’ve by being consistent? I’m glad I got it together, and fast!

Sometimes we have to encourage ourselves. Remind ourselves of the things we want and are working towards, even if they seem hard to obtain. Obstacles are only as big as you allow them to be. Yes, sometimes life gets a little hard and it seems like you’ll never reach the other side but when you decide to try even when you don’t want to or when the world around seems to be against you, that’s when success follows. Allow your strength to overpower your fear and continue to press forward no matter how hard it seems.

What are some of the things you’re working towards? What are some things you feel have come into your life just as you were dealing with something?What will you use as encouragement the next time you feel down?

Think about it, let’s talk about it! Comment below.